Stay in Touch Through Our Newsletters

We have two e-newsletters: our main e-newsletter, which includes information about BCSP's news, programs and events, and one specifically for survivors of suicide loss, which includes information on support groups and survivor resources.

You may opt-out of our newsletter/email list at anytime through the opt-out link in the e-newsletter itself. Thank you!

BCSP Seasonal Newsletter: News, Upcoming Events and Programs

Survivors of Suicide Loss Newsletter: Support Groups and Resources
(This e-newsletter is specifically for Survivors of Suicide Loss as well as monthly Survivors Support Group - If you are also interested in BCSP events, training and conferences please also register above for our general BCSP e-newsletter)

Please note: If you’re experiencing issues with our newsletters going to spam, we can provide a letter for submission to your IT Administrator to request newsletter removal from spam filter; just contact us at If you have an issue with your spam filter for home emails, we can provide instructions on how to unblock our e-newsletter there as well: email us at Please include the name of the mail program that you are using (such as Outlook or Gmail), and the name of the Internet browser you are using (for example, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox or Safari).

If you have any questions, you can reach us through our Contact Us form.